

Sending out an SOS (Signs of over Stimulation)-Part 2

Over stimulation
Over stimulation during the holidays


How to keep from Overstimulating your baby during the holidays.

With the hustle and bustle of the holidays quickly upon us, it isn’t just the adults that get overstimulated, babies do too! Plus they feed off of your stress and anxiety.  So lower your expectations for yourself and set realistic expectations with a baby in the house, the holidays WILL be different. [Read more…] about Sending out an SOS (Signs of over Stimulation)-Part 2

Holiday Safety for Your Baby- Part 1

Safety first
Safety first


This is your baby’s first Holiday season and you are excited to share with them the sparkly lights, tinsel, ornaments, music, bows, wrapping paper, boxes, Christmas trees, candles, poinsettias and presents. However, be aware of the safety hazards that come along with the holidays. Here are some easy guidelines to help protect your little one: [Read more…] about Holiday Safety for Your Baby- Part 1

Common Blunders in the First Few Weeks After Your Baby is Born

Parenting blunders
Parenting Blunders


In my 18 plus years of working with postpartum families both in and out of the hospital, I have seen, heard, supported and educated thousands of families on common blunders that are made during this special time.  There is no harm done if you fall into some of these but just remember, YOU are the expert on your baby and you have a say in how your postpartum period goes.  Don’t be afraid to say NO, take the help when it is offered and ask for help when you need it. Here are a few of my favorites that I think help parents the most. [Read more…] about Common Blunders in the First Few Weeks After Your Baby is Born

Talking to Kids about Tragedy

Tragedy happens
Tragedy happens


In light of the recent attacks in Paris and other events that don’t get as much media coverage around the world on a daily basis, I wanted to share a personal story about talking to my daughters about tragedies.

Scary events happen ALL the time and as parents, it is hard to make sense of them, so imagine how your child(ren) might be feeling when they see or hear things that are incomprehensible. [Read more…] about Talking to Kids about Tragedy

Day dreaming and traveling. Where Would I Go? What Would I Do?

Adventures in traveling
Adventures in traveling


Being a new mom is hard and staring at the same four walls can get tiresome day after day.  It can also be lonely.  Even though your days may be full of feeds, diaper changes, snuggles, naps, feeds, diaper changes, burping, housework, errands and when lucky, a shower,  sometimes you may need to just lose yourself in the moment and re-charge. [Read more…] about Day dreaming and traveling. Where Would I Go? What Would I Do?

Due to COVID 19, Colleen will be providing virtual and/or in home support.

Feel free to call, text or email her for virtual support in the comfort, safely providing virtual and in-person support based on families needs!