

Do I really need life insurance when I need a bigger house and a roomier car?

With all the preparations that come with baby’s arrival, buying life insurance is probably not on your priority list. Maybe it should be?  

LIfe insurance Agent

The end of your pregnancy is nearing and you are excited for your baby’s arrival. You are prepared for the delivery, the nursery is decorated and your bag is packed. Daydreaming about what life will be like with your new son/daughter is happening more frequently. You lay on the couch, flip on the t.v. and see images of children that make you cry. Instinctively you reach down and gently rub your belly, you feel your baby stir inside you. Instant relief. However, the “what if’s” creep up in your mind and you begin thinking about your child and the future…Are you prepared for the “just in case?” [Read more…] about Do I really need life insurance when I need a bigger house and a roomier car?

Umbilical cord care

Cord Care: What do I do with this stump?

Caring for your newborns umbilical cord

Your baby’s umbilical cord is the life line between mom’s placenta and baby. It is developed between the 4th and 8th week in utero and contains two arteries and one vein. The umbilical vein supplies the baby with oxygenated blood and nutrients from the placenta and the umbilical arteries carry de-oxygenated blood and waste from the baby to the placenta.

Once the cord is cut and clamped after birth, what do you do with the umbilical stump? In short, nothing! There used to be two main schools of thought when it came to taking care of your newborns umbilical cord; some hospitals and birthing centers left it alone completely while others directed you to clean it with alcohol after every diaper change to help it dry out faster. [Read more…] about Umbilical cord care

Your Child’s FIRST Test

Postpartum and Breastfeeding support

In case your baby book has a spot for the APGAR numbers or someone asks what your baby’s APGAR score was, you can tell them.

Congratulations…your baby has been born and you are super excited to bond and learn all about them.  If your baby is doing well, this FIRST assessment is done quietly and quickly and most parents don’t even notice. It can be done by your doctor, midwife or nurse. This will be the first of many tests your child will be given and it happens at 1 minute and 5 minutes after delivery.  The 1 minute score is to see if there is an immediate need for further medical intervention while the 5 min score is to see how they are progressing to life outside the womb.

[Read more…] about Your Child’s FIRST Test

Due to COVID 19, Colleen will be providing virtual and/or in home support.

Feel free to call, text or email her for virtual support in the comfort, safely providing virtual and in-person support based on families needs!