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I can’t breathe

Personal Story told by:Natalie

Postpartum Mood Disorder
Postpartum Mood Disorder


“I can’t breathe.”

Postpartum depression is often over looked, misunderstood and not talked about. I want to help break that silence. I want to talk about postpartum depression and I want to tell you how it affected my life.

My first pregnancy was not planned. I was 16 and starting my senior year of high school when I found out I was pregnant. From the beginning it was NOT the best situation. My parents were definitely not thrilled to hear I was pregnant. I lost all of my friends and was talked about and starred at often down the halls of high school. Because of this, I decided to graduate early. I dedicated my time to finishing school, taking care of myself, and hanging out with my boyfriend. [Read more…] about I can’t breathe

Due to COVID 19, Colleen will be providing virtual and/or in home support.

Feel free to call, text or email her for virtual support in the comfort, safely providing virtual and in-person support based on families needs!