

Labor is approaching, what questions should you ask?

Labor QuestionsThird Trimester

Congratulations, you have made it to your 3rd trimester.  Your little one is packing on some weight and you feel her kicks and stretches even more powerfully now.  You are super excited to meet her BUT have patience because there is a lot of developing she still needs to do before she can safely come earth side. Soon she will be in your arms.

As your delivery date approaches, the reality that labor is coming becomes more real. You HAVE to give birth to this baby.

At this point in your pregnancy, you should be thinking about or working on your birth plan (lets people specifically know what you DO and DO not want during labor, delivery and the immediate postpartum period).  Some people want their goals written out, others just talk to their support people and make sure everyone is on the same page. Do whatever makes you feel the most comfortable.

Labor questions to ask your provider:

  • WHO will be delivering my baby? Again, is the OB or Midwife in a solo practice or in a group with other professionals? If a solo practice, ask who their back up/on call professional is. If a group practice, do I get to meet or schedule visits with the other doctors? What is your on call day?
  • Will you be at the hospital the entire time or do you come and go based on how I am progressing in labor?
  • When can we discuss my birth plan?
  • Are you ok with me NOT delivering on my back?
  • What is your position on inductions? Why would you induce me?
  • Vacuum and forceps usage?
  • Do I have to have an IV upon arrival? Oxytocin?
  • What monitoring do you recommend when I go into labor? External or internal?
  • Will you delay cord clamping?
  • Should I keep a copy of my prenatal records with me?
  • Do you perform cervical checks? If so, how often?
  • When labor begins, at what point should I call you?
  • Do you support vaginal breech births?
  • What is your c-section rate? Episiotomy rate? In what situations would you perform one?
  • How long will you let me go after my due date?

Labor questions


Understanding all your options and getting all your questions answered can help alleviate your fears, put you at ease to feel safe, informed and supported during your pregnancy and your labor and delivery.

Give me a call today to learn how I can help you feel the same way once your baby is in your arms and you are in the comfort of your home.

Pregnant? Who provides your prenatal care?

2 lines or a + sign, now what?


Whom do you tell first? How do you share the news? When do you tell?

Wait a couple weeks or shout it from the rooftops? Sorry, there is no right answer.

Once the initial shock or excitement has worn off and the reality has set in, how do you decide who to go to for your prenatal care? When do you start getting prenatal care?  Do you see an OB/GYN? Or a Midwife? [Read more…] about Pregnant? Who provides your prenatal care?

Pregnancy and Parenting Advice: Part Two

Pregancy and Parenting Advice In Part Two of this blog, I will discuss some of the topics that solicit advice and help you let the advice giver know that you value their thoughts and want to work together and educate each other for the safest outcomes. You may want to take a more gentle approach with someone who seems truly well-meaning, but a more firm approach with someone who seems to be coming from a place of criticism.

As a parent-to-be or new parent, hearing all the advice can make you feel overwhelmed, confused and often times stressed out.  How do you know what to believe or what advice you should follow? Research is ongoing and constantly changing, so it is hard to stay on top of everything. Times have changed and so have many guidelines/suggestions.  Some well intention advice comes from something that worked real well 20 years ago or even 50+ years ago but is no longer recommended today.  Google is at your fingertips and easy to research anything but be careful about the validity of the sites you visit.  Let’s work together to increase awareness about the postpartum period and how to best support your loved ones. [Read more…] about Pregnancy and Parenting Advice: Part Two

Unwanted and Unsolicited Pregnancy and Parenting Advice

Unwanted advice

How to Handle Unwanted and Unsolicited Advice

Part One

As soon as you announce that your family is growing, be prepared for advice to start rolling in! From family members to random strangers, everyone has something to say! Some pieces of advice are helpful; some are annoying and others just down right odd.

I wish I could tell you WHY everyone feels the need to dish out advice, maybe it is human nature: people want to share their own experiences with you, they want to prevent you from making the same mistakes or go through what they went through. I think empathy plays a huge role, people feel compelled to help or solve a perceived issue for someone who is in need, especially if they have been in your position.

Hearing all the advice can make parents-to-be and new parents feel incredibly overwhelmed, confused and often times stressed out.  So how do you know what to believe or what advice you should follow? [Read more…] about Unwanted and Unsolicited Pregnancy and Parenting Advice

The Day After Halloween….Sugar Crash

Gestational Diabetes

National Diabetes Month

Diabetes and Pregnancy
Diabetes and Pregnancy


Halloween might be over but Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years are right around the corner and did you know that 75% of Americans annual weight gain takes place during the holiday season?  There are over 29 million adults or 1 out of 11 people living in the US that have diabetes and 1 out of 4 of those don’t know they have it!  1 out of 3 people will develop diabetes in their lifetime.  Those are staggering statistics. [Read more…] about The Day After Halloween….Sugar Crash

Weightless and Heavenly


Pregnancy Float tank
Pregnancy Float tank

In my quest to help families throughout their pregnancy and postpartum period, I stumbled across flotation therapy. I have to admit, I had never heard of this before so I was a tad skeptical but after talking to Kalyn Wolf, the owner of Cloud Nine, I wanted to learn more.  I was eager to try it myself and now that I have thoroughly enjoyed it, I want to share it with the world.  What makes the flotation tank so amazing you ask???  Just sit back and enjoy this blog because I know you will want to try it for yourself once you are done reading.  First, it is automatic QUIET alone time (if you are a parent, this is an added bonus). You are in an environment free from gravity, stress, tension and pain.  YES, it is safe to float during pregnancy and postpartum. [Read more…] about Weightless and Heavenly

Due to COVID 19, Colleen will be providing virtual and/or in home support.

Feel free to call, text or email her for virtual support in the comfort, safely providing virtual and in-person support based on families needs!