

Tucson Kid Friendly Activities

Looking for kid friendly activities in Tucson?

Tucson Kid friendly activities

At my last couple of postpartum home visits, I have been asked, “what is there to do with my 0-5 year old in Tucson?” As a recovering mom with a new baby and a stir crazy older child, the thought of packing up and going out is probably the last thing on your mind. However, it could make for a better, calmer and happier afternoon for YOU. [Read more…] about Tucson Kid Friendly Activities


Postpartum Doula


Create a plan before you GET STUCK!

When you find out you are pregnant, the planning begins by:

  • Finding an obstetrician or certified nurse midwife
  • Deciding on where you want to deliver
  • Taking prenatal vitamins
  • Reading books to prepare for pregnancy and childbirth
  • Making a birth plan
  • Taking some classes
  • Talking to other parents
  • Registering for needed baby items
  • Decorating the nursery
  • Etc., etc., etc…

[Read more…] about DON’T GET STUCK!


Postpartum Analogy

Do you throw them out or do you make lemonade?

Postpartum Period Analogy…

If you chose to throw them out, the opportunity to taste them is gone. I believe that men and women will figure the “what it means to be a parent” thing out.  Some parents may take longer than others to figure it out and some will have it down quickly, but eventually you will get there! You may feel prepared because you have read all the books, gone to all the classes, babysat, helped with your siblings and asked all the right questions. However, remember that babies don’t come with a “how to” manual or a schedule. Learning about babies is more “hands on” and intuition not “book reading”. There will be highs and lows, laughter, tears and utter exhaustion but you will make it all on your own! [Read more…] about WHEN LIFE HANDS YOU LEMONS…YOU HAVE A CHOICE TO MAKE.

Need to Turbo Charge Your Engine?

Turbo charge

As summer is coming to an end and schools are starting back up women, especially mothers, might find themselves feeling stuck in a rut. I think it is safe to assume, we have all been there at some point in our lives for a variety of reasons.  The hardest part is finding the motivation to crawl out of it and TRY to do better.

First off find out what motivates and inspires you to want to be better. What gets your heart pumping and makes you feel excited or possibly nervous to try?  Maybe you will discover something you never knew about or never thought of before. Then, STOP neglecting yourself and do something you KNOW will make you feel better. You deserve it! [Read more…] about Need to Turbo Charge Your Engine?


Postpartum Home Visitor

And have NO agenda…

This is YOUR journey; I am here to guide you along the way!

My goal is to foster your independence so when I am no longer in need, you will feel calm and confident along YOUR parenting journey.

I believe in parents and that parents know their child best and what will work best for their family, therefore unless there is a safety issue, I will support your decisions! I check my opinions and my personal philosophies at the door! [Read more…] about AS A VISITOR IN YOUR HOME, I SUPPORT YOU!

HAPPY WORLD BREASTFEEDING WEEK 2015……Surviving the first month!

Breastfeeding week

Breastfeeding and surviving the first month…..feeling like a cow (because they graze all day) with no time to do anything else! Relax, this is normal and to be expected!

So, you’ve delivered your baby and have decided to breastfeed, whether it is direct from the tap or pumping and bottle feeding, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!  You will be giving your baby the BEST start possible.  [Read more…] about HAPPY WORLD BREASTFEEDING WEEK 2015……Surviving the first month!

Due to COVID 19, Colleen will be providing virtual and/or in home support.

Feel free to call, text or email her for virtual support in the comfort, safely providing virtual and in-person support based on families needs!